Zelda Fonts Header
Welcome to the Zelda Temple fonts section. Here you will find fonts used throughout Zelda series games as well as logo fonts, manual fonts etc including of course the main Legend of Zelda logo font as well as more specific fonts such as ones used for the text in certain games. All of the fonts here are compressed into zip files and can be opened with winrar or winzip. If you know of any Zelda fonts that we don't have please let us know.

American UncD - a classic ingame font from various Zelda titles.

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Font AmericanUncD
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 51.1kb
Author: Unknown
Click here to download this font

Ancient Hylian - one of the ancient ingame languages

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Font Ancient Hylian
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 12.2kb
Author: Unknown
Click here to download this font

Ancient Hylian: Skyward Sword version

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Font Ancient Hylian Skyward Sword version
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 5kb
Author: sarinilli
Click here to download this font

Charlemagne - used for the text 'The Legend of' in the Zelda logo.

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Font Charlemagne
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 51kb
Author: Unknown
Click here to download this font

Gerudo Typography - the overlooked Gerudo language from the Ocarina of Time on N64 that was brought to light in Hyrule Historia.

Preview of Font from 12pt to 48pt

Font Gerudo Typography
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 651kb
Author: sarinilli
Click here to download this font

Hylian 64 - Another of the ancient ingame languages, translated by Zelda fans for public use

Preview of Font from 12pt to 36pt
Font Hylian64
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 11kb
Author: Unknown
Click here to download this font

Hylian Symbols - Featuring various well known symbols from the Zelda games. There are 19 different symbols in total including the Royal Crest of Hyrule, Triforce and Sheikah symbol.

Preview of Font from 12pt to 36pt
Font Hylian Symbols
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 9kb
Author: Unknown
Click here to download this font

Hylia Serif - a Typeface for the Discerning Zelda Fan

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Font Hylia Serif
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 12kb
Author: Artsy Omni
Click here to download this font

Ravenna - the title font used in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Preview of Font from 12pt to 36pt
Font Ravenna
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 18kb
Author: Unknown
Click here to download this font

Return of Ganon - The ingame text font used in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Preview of Font from 12pt to 36pt
Font Return of Ganon
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 10kb
Click here to download this font

Sherwood Regular - The font used in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker logo.

Preview of Font from 12pt to 36pt
Font Sherwood Regular
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 44kb
Author: Unknown
Click here to download this font

Tri Force - the font used in the text 'Zelda' in the Legend of Zelda logo.

Preview of Font from 12pt to 36pt
Font Triforce
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 27kb
Author: Unknown
Click here to download this font

Zelda DX - An ingame text font used in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Preview of Font from 12pt to 36pt
Font Zelda DX
Filetype: True Type Font (TTF)
File size: 21kb
Author: Unknown
Click here to download this font

If anyone knows of any fonts from the Zelda games, cartoons or anything else of relevant theme please mail them to me and I'll get them added and credit you. Thanks!

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